Top 10 Unpopular Bookish Opinions


Hello, and happy Tuesday! I’m back with another Top Ten Tuesday post, hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s prompt is Unpopular Bookish Opinions! I personally am pretty chill when it comes to opinions and sharing them, as I like to maintain peace and respect. So, I ask that you be peaceful and respectful in return when reading and commenting on my or another blogger’s post. That said, it can be really fun to share unpopular opinions and find others who have the same thoughts! Onto my unpopular opinions!

1. I didn’t enjoy Strange the Dreamer.

I found the story to be incredibly boring, and the characters were uninteresting. I really liked the premise, but the writing was just too descriptive and flowy and didn’t allow for anything exciting to happen. Though I must admit the writing was beautiful by itself, the story just wasn’t for me.

2. I will not be finishing the ACOTAR series.

I did read A Court of Thorns and Roses and I even started A Court of Mist and Fury, but I will not be finishing them. Initially after reading ACOTAR, I thought it was pretty good. But, after thinking about it, I can’t remember any positive qualities. The story was incredibly slow, the characters were boring, and the romance was forced.

3. I like love triangles.

I know there are some readers who absolutely hate love triangles, but I really don’t mind them. It adds another layer to the story, and gives the characters more depth. Plus, I just love a good romance, so I will take all I can get!

4. I always look for a bit of romance in a story.

Similar to number three, I love having a touch of romance in every story. Some readers seek out books with little or no romance, and those can be excellent as well (such as Radio Silence), but I’m a sucker for romance, okay? It makes me happy!

5. It is okay to have a bazillion books on your Goodreads to-read shelf.

I feel that there has been a push from readers and bloggers lately to keep your TBR to a manageable amount, even on Goodreads. I think it is okay to put as many books on there as you want, since it is online and helps you keep track of what you may want to read in the future. I know that I likely will never read all the books on there, and I’m fine with that, as I just like to see which books I have found interesting or worth a read.

Book Divider

6. I hate writing book reviews.

I find it really difficult to put my thoughts on a book into words, as usually I only have feelings and not words. I know book bloggers are best known for writing reviews, but I haven’t written one in ages! (I do have one planned for a blog tour coming soon, though!) Plus, review posts often take the most time to put together, and then I get tired of it halfway through. I also like to include a lot of detail, though I would like to start writing reviews that are much shorter and more to the point.

7. I try to avoid reading overly hyped books.

I have never really enjoyed an overly hyped book, hence my distaste for Strange the Dreamer and ACOTAR. I read books such as Illuminae and Cinder way before they were super popular, which I feel allowed me to create my own opinions on them before seeing everyone else’s opinions. When I see the hype for a book, I feel as if I have to enjoy the story just as much as everyone else did, though I often don’t. So, I try to avoid reading them during all the hype and will wait until the excitement has died down if I decide to read it at all. (I say this as I am currently reading two overly hyped books….)

8. I really enjoyed The Selection.

After reading and loving this series, I realized how many people found it to be guilty pleasure type of series. Honestly, I’m not guilty about it at all. I genuinely really enjoyed the characters and their world, and would love to read it again!

9. I really enjoyed The Testing.

I very rarely hear anything about this book, which is kind of unfortunate. It had incredible characters and a unique dystopian society. The story definitely game me Hunger Games vibes, but it was original in its own way!

10. Audiobooks definitely count as real reading.

This is probably not super unpopular, but I have learned in the past year that audiobooks are an excellent way to stay caught up on your reading challenge. They completely saved me last year, since I started college and had very little time to read. If you haven’t listened to an audiobook, I would highly recommend trying it!

What are some of your unpopular opinions? Do you agree or disagree with some of mine? Link me to your TTT posts!

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26 thoughts on “Top 10 Unpopular Bookish Opinions

  1. I actually quite like love triangles too! But it’s disappointing when they end up with the person you didn’t want them to end up with!

    Shaunna x


  2. I love love triangles, as long as they’re well done. When it’s totally obvious who the protag is going to choose and there’s not even any chemistry between them an the third party, I get annoyed, because it feels like just manufactured drama. But a well-written love triangle is life.

    Is having a manageable TBR even a thing?! Is that possible? I use my Goodreads TBR as a way to keep an eye on things that sound interesting that I may or may not want to read in the future. Sometimes, when reviews come in, I decide that a book doesn’t seem like my sort of book and remove it. But I like having it all there in one place. And yes to audiobooks counting! Seems like a silly argument to be having. Great post!

    Here’s my TTT post.


  3. I have every Unpopular opinion on SJM. I own her ACOTAR books, but I do not think that I will ever actually read them, too much hype it doesn’t seem worth it. I am also a sucker for a good romance, but I can’t say I enjoy love triangles most of the time…XD


  4. Noo I cannot believe you won’t finish the ACOTAR series! :))) I read the entire series in a weeks time last summer. However I had my problems with the first book and was close to dnf-ing it… But you shouldn’t read a book you don’t enjoy so I completely respect your opinion and choice!
    I have a thing for romances as well. I can’t live with out it. I don’t read that many romance books but if I read other genres there need to some element of romance in it for my to enjoy it 100% 😀


    • My sister convinced my to read ACOTAR since she loved it so much and was also sad I didn’t like it. Thanks for being respectful though! 😊 Yes, I always want some element of romance, even in other genres, too! I feel it adds another layer to the characters, and it just makes me happy! 😄


  5. I agree with pretty much all of these, especially 4, 5 and 10. I know lots of people lament the fact that all YA has romance, but it’s often the romantic thread that pulls me through the story—it doesn’t have to be the CENTER of every book, but I always like at least a hint of romance!


  6. This is a really great list! I completely agree with you on Point #4 – I think when romance is used in the right doses it really does help add extra layers to a story and YASSS it also makes us happy!

    You make an interesting point with #6. I do agree that book reviews are the posts which take the longest to create and I am just like you when I approach my reviews since I like to add as much detail as I can. But I am trying to find a better layout for my reviews. Something that covers the basic ground and relays the important info but not make it too lengthy, you know?

    Awesome post btw~

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Disney Princess Hair Book Tag – Reading with Rendz

  8. I like love triangles too, as long as they are well done. And you’re right, audiobooks definitely count as real reading! They have been so helpful during my reading slumps.


  9. “I find it really difficult to put my thoughts on a book into words, as usually I only have feelings and not words.”^ I feel this on a very high level – I’m always struggling with reviews and it’s exactly for this specific reason. I have to really dig deep and overthink and analyse my feelings to get down to the description of why I didn’t like the book/felt a certain way etc. I feel a lot and I can’t be eloquent and put them into shiny expressive words. Such a dilemma.


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