WWW Wednesday: May 8, 2019


Happy Wednesday! Today I have another (long overdue) WWW Wednesday post to share what I have been reading lately. Unfortunately, I have not been reading nearly as much as I would like to in the past few weeks, but the semester is finally coming to end! This means I will have plenty of time for reading and blogging over the summer, and I am definitely looking forward to both! WWW Wednesday is hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words, and the idea is to answer these three questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What am I currently reading?

The Everlasting Rose by Dhonielle Clayton:

This is the sequel to The Belles, which I quite enjoyed! As I mentioned earlier, I have not had the time to spend with this book, so I am still in the beginning. I really love the world building in this series, and I am eager to see what happens next!

Everless by Sara Holland:

I am nearly finished with the audio version, and it actually reminds me a lot of The Belles. Again, I love the world, and the idea of having time in your blood is really intriguing.


What did I recently finish reading?

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan:

I reread this as a part of my audiobook reread of the entire Percy Jackson series. It took me quite a while to get through it, even being on audio, but I did enjoy revisiting these characters and the beginning of their story!

Shadow Me by Tahereh Mafi:

Many of you may recall that Shatter Me is one of my favorite series, and this novella was no different! It is from Kenji’s point of view, which is always an enjoyable thing within itself, but it was nice to have a bit of a recap before Defy Me!


What will I read next?

A Curse so Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer:

It seems the hype for this book has died off, but I am still eager to read it! I always love a good retelling, and I look forward to seeing if it lives up to the hype!

On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden:

I have a copy of this book from the library, and I’m quite excited to read it! All I know is it’s sci-fi and a graphic novel, but what’s better than that combination?

Defy Me by Tahereh Mafi:

I have been waiting since last March for this book, but now that it’s here I remember nothing from the previous book… I think I will be doing a reread of Restore Me before I dive in!

What have you been reading lately? Link me to your WWW posts!

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6 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: May 8, 2019

    • His books were definitely some of my favorites as a kid! I’ve reread the first series, and the first book of the Heroes of Olympus series, but that’s it. I’ve really enjoyed revisiting the characters and their world, and hopefully I can eventually get through all the books set in that world!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’ve been wanting to read Everless. Glad you enjoyed it. I’ve been wanting to pick up A Curse So Dark and Lonely, too (though, I have a slew of books out from the library already that I have to get through). I’ll be interested to see what you think of it. 🙂

    Here’s my WWW post.


  2. I tried out Everless but I never really got into it, I feel like it focused on some things too much & then ignored some other really important things 😦 Maybe the audio version is better though? Glad you’re enjoying it 😄


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